How to use the Law of Attraction when you’re grumpy

How to use the Law of Attraction when you’re grumpy

Image by Jorge Gonzalez. Used under a creative commons zero licence.

Everything is against me, I thought.

My colleagues seem to be deliberately unhelpful. I’ve got SO much work. And I DON’T want to BE HERE.

I was miserable. I dreamed of working for myself, having my own clients. I longed for the sunshine, peace, space and time to myself

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The biggest lie you can tell yourself

The biggest lie you can tell yourself

Image by Pablo Basagoiti. Used under a creative commons zero licence. 

I DO go on about vision. Knowing your direction, what your deepest self truly desires to experience in life, getting clarity on what you actually want is SO important. 

But it also requires ACTION. 

And there is a huge obstacle that can get in the way.

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Need more consistent inspiration and encouragement?

Need more consistent inspiration and encouragement?

Image by Nicholas Swanson. Used under a creative commons zero licence. 

I've been having so much fun meeting some of you IN PERSON - firstly at the Escape the Rat Race meetup a couple of weeks ago and for my workshop on Saturday. 

After my talk, one of the audience members shared that after hearing a story of someone else's journey or going to an event like the meetup, she felt really inspired. But then the feeling of inspiration faded and she would get stuck again. 

She wanted to know how to create the consistency of feeling energised and excited.

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How to have powerful conversations

How to have powerful conversations

Image by Alondra Olivas Used under a creative commons zero licence. 

One topic that I love to explore is that of powerful conversations. 

When we feel stuck, as though there is so much out of our control, or it feels as though someone else is making life really difficult, it can be tempting to complain it’s all about them/the job/the situation and how ‘if they would just’ act differently, our lives would be a lot easier. 

In fact, complaining may be covering up the fact that that we are fearful about communicating HOW we’re feeling and what we WANT the situation to be like because we worry that it’ll create confrontation and descend into an argument. 

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Feeling struck? Try this...

Feeling struck? Try this...

I KNOW how much getting stuck really kills your enthusiasm and your energy. You start thinking you're hopeless, you can't 'make it happen' and you feel like giving up. 

So how about a practical strategy that helps shift whatever's keeping you in that place? Today's video is about how to get out of your head and get things moving again. 

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How to create more time

How to create more time

Something that I used to struggle with is not having enough TIME.

It was all very well reading about how you could get loads done if you did something for 10 minutes a day, but I found that when I got stuck in to something, 20 minutes would have gone past then I would carry on for a bit and suddenly it would be midnight! It would put me off doing it again because I would be tired for work. 

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How I stop worrying about failure

How I stop worrying about failure

Image by Noah Kuhn. Used under a creative commons zero licence. 

A big bear that used to hunt me (no, not a real one) was:

What if I fail? 

Say you're in a reasonably good position as you are. You have a job, maybe some money in the bank. Your co-workers are alright. You’ve got a nice-ish place.

Why would you risk it all for some…pipe dream?

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5 transformational truths (Are you doing something worth committing to?)

5 transformational truths (Are you doing something worth committing to?)

Image by Jordan Sanchez. Used under a creative commons zero licence.

I started this journey, thinking it was just about finding a job that I loved.

I quit the graduate training scheme I was on (having sat the exams and leaving my job before even finding out the results) because I had decided that following my dreams and trying to make myself happy was more important than what the company needed (and because I spent tea breaks crying in the toilets).

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3 mindset shifts to help you find work you love

3 mindset shifts to help you find work you love

Image by Davide Ragusa. Used under a creative commons zero license.

I did hundreds and hundreds of exercises, read very many books and spent years changing careers before creating the vision of what I wanted. 

There are two major sticking points in a person’s quest to finding work they love.

The first is working out what you want. (Over and over people tell me what they DON’T want, but you have to turn that on its head and get specific).

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My multiple 'career changes' (and how you can avoid this)

My multiple 'career changes' (and how you can avoid this)

It was 7 years ago that I first googled 'changing careers’.  

I hadn't known what I wanted to do after University so I took a gap year, temping in Canada. It was a whirl. An adventure. And then 4 of my close friends got engaged and started getting mortgages and sending out wedding invitations and I took fright. I needed to get a proper job. Settle down. Stop messing around. 

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