When your career aspirations feel arrogant and impossible

When your career aspirations feel arrogant and impossible

Image by Margot Pandone. Used under a creative commons licence.

In my first graduate job, I was a employed as junior tax consultant for a firm that specialised in helping FTSE 100 companies claims for tax relief on some expenditure. 

It was a small company and for that reason we were exposed to lots of what was going on. There was good company atmosphere, regular training and celebrations on Fridays at 4pm when we won a new client or piece of work. 

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On building things and finding friends

On building things and finding friends

After a comment the other day with someone who is quite like me, I realised I love to be building something. The comment she made was 'I like to be building something'.  Ok so I totally copied the phrase (just gave it a bit more oomph) but basically I knew from my teens that I didn't like routine or repetitive work (thanks, Careers test) although I think now, I DO like it if it helps me develop or learn a skill or skills I didn't have before. But once I have mastered the skill (and my version of 'mastered' isn't as much as 'mastery') that's it, I'm done.

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