How good is your imagination?

One of the key assets not talked about in work or business enough is the ability to use imagination to support you in your or your business's development.

Cash is not necessarily needed to have imagination but I suggest that it’s important to invest time in the practice.

No one has the same business or career path. Over the last few years we have seen that however traditional, safe and secure the path seems ahead, there can be unexpected twists in the road.

That’s why we need vision and vision needs imagination.

If you or your leaders do not regularly take time to imagine, envision and continue to revisit the clear picture of where the business or your career is headed, it’s likely is the business (or life or work) will stagnate, feel confused, and even perhaps lifeless and boring. Whilst that may be ok when you’re on your own, it can get tricky (and potentially damaging) when others are looking to you as a leader or the business direction is unfocused.

Imagination is fuelled by possibility. As your coach, I point you to the possibilities when you can’t see them, usually because your mind is on the day to day, or impending issues.

It can be really challenging to be able to see this in the middle of a cashflow crisis or when you’re short staffed or when a product launch or new service hasn’t gone as planned.

But this is when you need the skill the most.

If your business doesn’t have a clear vision - a picture of where you’re going, why not?

Is it time to book in some structured time with a coach - by yourself or with other leaders to start reimagining one?