When you loathe your body

When you loathe your body

Image by Matthew Henry. Used under a creative commons zero licence. 

So it’s those post-holiday days and some of us maybe feeling, rather, well, full. And it can be times like these we have two thoughts. 

1) is our vague ideas to gather up our gym bag and check on our membership or head off out for a run, because our body is suspiciously heavier than it used to be.

and 2) that we begin to loathe a little on our bodies (ever done this?).
The post Christmas sales shopping maybe meant we found ourselves in front of a full length mirror looking at our bodies and thinking ‘I’m sure I was never this shape before'


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Your dirty little career secret

Your dirty little career secret

Image by Benjamin Coombs. Used under a creative commons zero license.

You perfected the art of going to school. You breezed through college or Sixth Form. You got your A-levels, chose a degree, graduated and finally landed that position. 

Your parents were delighted they could now refer to you as a ‘professional’. They could talk about the company you work for and how much you’re enjoying your job. They airily address their friends by saying ‘Oh she’s now in London, working for so and so, yes loving it."

Except you’re not.

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How good can you make your dream?

How good can you make your dream?

Image by Julia Ceasar. Used under a creative commons license. 

I used to feel disheartened with my teachers when I would show them my work and they said: "Great, but can you do this and make it even better?" 

And I would look at them and think:

“I’ve put all my effort into this and you’re wanting MORE?"

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5 books that changed my life

5 books that changed my life

Reading is up there on my list of favourite activities...particularly reading in the sunshine or curled up on a huge squishy sofa for an afternoon of solitude. 

Through the last few years I've been supported through the wisdom and encouragement of those who have gone before and learnt how to step out and commit to my own journey. 

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Why deprivation doesn't work

Why deprivation doesn't work

How’s that deprivation strategy working out for your change? 

You know, you said you're not going to do this anymore because someone's told you it's bad for you. You read the article about the effects of caffeine and you feel you 'shouldn't' eat the fatty stuff, shouldn’t have too much to drink, shouldn’t have too much ice-cream, or time on Facebook. You go without something because you spent so much money. 

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Say it!

Say it!

I used to wonder why things didn’t work out for me in the way that I wanted them too, why other people didn’t seem to ‘get me’ and why I was often left frustrated.

I expected people to know what I wanted. I expected them to know my preference for everything: activities and locations, food choices and needs. I wanted them to help me out by allowing me some space to complete an important piece of work and exactly how many emotions I was feeling at that moment through the expression on my face. But I didn’t SAY what I wanted. I just kind of hoped they would KNOW. Which, on reflection, was quite an ask.

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