How I achieve my goals

How I achieve my goals

Image by Jeff Sheldon. Used under a creative commons zero licence.

If you want to change your life this year; if this is the year you’re actually going to go to the country that’s been on your list forever, if this is the year you’re going to leave the job you hate, if this is the year you’re determined to change SOMETHING to make your life better: CONGRATULATIONS. You’ve taken the first step to doing something. 

You've set an intention. 

But let me guess, you’ve had this intention before right? And nothing’s happened. 


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5 ways to focus while you're still in your day job

5 ways to focus while you're still in your day job

You may be finding your current work a big challenge right now but there are lots of opportunities to use this time to position yourself best for when you do leave. Not only is it a great way to feel better about the current situation which may be driving you crazy, but learning to think in this way, viewing where you are now as an opportunity rather than a problem, will stand you in good stead once you make the leap from your current work to your new life. 

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