How I healed my chronic hip pain naturally

How I healed my chronic hip pain naturally

Delighted to have been featured on MindBodyGreen this month: 

The boiler had broken at work, and it was cold in the office. Usually the cheery chatterbox of the team, I had snapped at my colleagues. As I bent my head over my work, I could almost see the looks being exchanged and knew one of them was probably typing an email to the rest of the team saying "What is up with HER today?" My boss took me into a meeting room and asked me what was wrong.

The tears began to flow, and I poured out a story of everything being "a bit too much." She sent me home for a week.

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What to do when you're feeling confused and slightly crazy

What to do when you're feeling confused and slightly crazy

Image by Lechon Kirb. Used under a creative commons zero licence. 

We all have those days when everything just goes a bit haywire and we find ourselves in a spin. 

What do you do when you're feeling confused about what's happening and slightly crazy? 

Here's my top three practices to getting myself back on track, with perspective and feeling myself again. 

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