Meet Claire

Most people don’t get intentional with their lives. They don’t design the life they want. They don’t explore their hidden beliefs, their limiting thoughts, their relationship with, well, everything.

They don’t do it. And it shows.

YOU, on the other hand, are different.

You are committed to living life as passionately as possible, exploring all you can of your heart, connected to your soul and alignment with your values.

You are ready to show up, do the work, make the call.

You just need a bit of help.

Well, here I am.

Whether you need to kick start your motivation again and take back your power, or you need to remind yourself just how great you are, my approach centres you, your intentions, your plans and your dreams, so that you can realise, manifest and start enjoying it all.

Let’s connect…

My background

Discovering coaching in my early twenties was an exciting experience. I was born into an independent evangelical church, which had grown out of a brethren tradition, but left abruptly when I saw the response to an abuse situation; my safe and cosy little world collapsed and I left my christian faith.

Struggling with the effects of religious trauma and the aftermath of leaving a community I loved, whilst feeling lost in a world which I’d been taught was ‘dangerous’, I commenced the process of self-discovery through the self-help/ personal development industry. Working with counsellors and coaches, I found myself in a different life, one that was designed and led by me, not by what others had told me it should be.

Since then, my life has been a series of all-sized adventures: living and working abroad, changing careers, navigating relationships after trauma, building my own coaching practice and making a home near the sea. It has required me to seek out clarity, develop a new inner confidence and hold myself accountable to my desires and decisions, my creativity and my intuition. 

These experiences have challenged me to delve deep within my pysche, my beliefs and my desires; exploring life with different mental, physical, emotional and spiritual/energetic perspectives. It is this experience, along with professional level training that I draw on, using a variety of tools and practices, my intuition and practical suggestions to help you learn, change and thrive within your own life.

What matters most is your situation now and where you want to be, what it feels like and what would feel better. This is what we’ll work on, so you can move forward with confidence, feeling radiant.

My approach

My childhood and young adulthood in a church that preached a fixed mindset (‘if you don’t believe in Jesus you will go to hell’) and did not allow female leaders (preachers or elders), meant that I grew up with a fear of the voice of the feminine.

In a masculine-focused, productivity-driven world, I burned myself out and realised how little I was enjoying my life. I had orientated my whole existence to cater for other people’s needs, and completely neglected my own.

My approach centres around three major core learnings that I’ve adopted and developed for myself and my clients.

BODY CONFIDENCE: I realised that DESIRE (such a dirty word when I was growing up) was so critical to the functioning of the world, yet I didn’t even know what I wanted for my life. Desire starts in the body, a spark of interest and excitement - perhaps for a sweet treat, a potential connection or another direction for your business. Not being able to hear that from your body can deaden you to what is right for you. Learning to listen is a practice, and daily attention.

WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS: Building your inner and outer wealth, developing an abundance-focused mindset to ensure you can meet your needs and put your gifts and talents to best use for the good of yourself and others is a core function of what I offer - the earth provides us with resources, let’s use them well! It doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t have before you start doing this work. It’s a lifelong practice and it feels good to get to the next level…there is always more.

CYCLICAL LIVING: Living with awareness and respect for natural cycles (including the seasons, moon and menstrual cycles) has changed my outlook, my body, my working patterns and my energy levels. Understanding that life is both linear and cyclical, and that both are necessary for more ease and flow, helps me create and connect better and with more satisfaction. We are part of a cyclical world, and this knowledge and some conscious practice can offset the impact of 24/7 living.

My work

Until you’ve actually been coached, you can’t really guess what coaching is like.

At its simplest, coaching is a conversation, at its most powerful, it’s a transformative moment which can’t ever been undone. It will change your life.

It’s an investment which you often realise a return in years to come, with the right client and coach working together.

I currently provide 1-1 sessions for the most effective level of transformation.

Choose a Power Hour session for a one hour perspective shift for whatever is challenging you the most right now. These are available virtually by phone (or video conference if preferred) Monday - Friday.

For a deeper level of support, I offer two VIP coaching days per month from March to October (2024). Talk to me about your inspiring and powerful whole day experience - by the coast, here in Cornwall.

Your ‘calling’ is what you decide it is. Your most beautiful life is determined by whatever the f*ck you say it looks like. Your purpose is living your best and fabulous life. And that will change the world.
— Claire