How to use the law of attraction (with examples)

How to use the law of attraction (with examples)

Image my own

Why do you not have the life that you want?

Do you know?

I know that ANYONE can create the freedom-centred, joyful, fun-filled and adventurous life that they choose.

See, I've been through all the excuses myself - I don't have enough money, time, motivation, knowledge - whatever to get 'THERE'.

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What intuition and alignment look like

What intuition and alignment look like

Image my own.

Tears pricked my eyes as I climbed the hill. 

At nothing in particular and at everything in that moment. 

It was my early morning walk and I was reflecting on the events of the preceding days. What one of my clients was facing. Using my intuition. How I was communicating. Being a coach means that when something comes up in your client’s life, you know damn well there is something in there for you as well. 

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If you don't know what to do, create

If you don't know what to do, create

It’s all too easy to let ourselves get into a headspin. When we want the life that we desire, that we dream about, when we want to make changes but it’s just overwhelming, it’s easy to choose the negative thoughts, the ones that say ‘It’ll never work’ and, 'I’ll never get there.’

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